The payback percentage of a slot machine is the percentage of credits won if all of the symbols line up in a winning combination. If you were to put all of the money you could afford into a slot machine, the casino would keep 10 percent, while you would be paid out 90 percent. If the payback percentage was higher, the casino would win and you would lose. Generally, a slot machine with a payback percentage below ninety-five percent is considered a winner.
A computer’s expansion slots are a way to add extra capability. Each expansion slot is usually made up of 16 to 64 pinholes that are closely spaced. These pinholes are used to insert expansion cards, which provide specialized capabilities to a computer. In today’s market, most desktop computers come with a set of expansion slots, which ensure that you can add on more hardware capabilities in the future. The key here is to choose the right kind of expansion slots.
In ice hockey, a slot is a rectangular area that extends toward the blue line. This area is also used for a flying display, and the third position in field hockey. In English, the word “slot” is related to the Latin verb “sleutana,” and is cognate with the German Schloss. In addition to the name, the word “slot” is a synonym for “slot,” which is also a type of processor.